Is A Power Philippines Legit? Investment Scam

A POWER PH (, also known as APOWER POWER BANK, is an investment platform that claims to offer profitable opportunities for investors. On their website and mobile application, they invite potential investors with promises of high returns and a variety of investment options. 

According to their website, investors can get started by registering and then selecting from fifteen different types of Advertising Charging Stations, with investment amounts ranging from ₱500.00 to ₱1,000,000. These investments are said to be valid for a period ranging from 3 days to 80 days.

The Promise of Profits

One of the main selling points of APOWER PH is the potential for substantial profits. They claim that investors can earn anywhere from ₱12 to an astonishing ₱120,000 daily, or from ₱300 to ₱3,600,000 monthly. Additionally, investors are promised a 10% commission on recharges and a commission ranging from 10% to 30% on product sales.

Scam: A Power Ph - A Power Philippines

While the promises made by APOWER PH may sound legit, there are significant red flags that have raised concerns among financial experts and regulatory authorities.

One of the most troubling aspects of APOWER PH is the allegation that it operates as a "Ponzi scheme." In a Ponzi scheme, returns to earlier investors are paid using the capital of new investors, creating a false appearance of a profitable enterprise. This unsustainable model eventually collapses when there are not enough new investors to pay returns to earlier participants.

Critics argue that APOWER PH primarily benefits its top recruiters and those who take early risks in the scheme. This means that some may profit, while others suffer losses when the system fails.

Lack of Transparency

APOWER PH's business model and financial operations are shrouded in secrecy. The lack of transparency makes it challenging for investors to understand how their money is being used and what risks they are truly exposed to.


The site of APOWER PH's alleged "Ponzi scheme" and its lack of transparency should be a clear warning for potential investors. It would be wise to avoid this investment platform and instead consider more reputable and transparent investment options.

Hi, PHBREAKER's owner. Just an average Filipino guy writing for this website. I'm glad you checked out my site. Please inform me if my writing is incorrect.

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